Thursday, December 26, 2019

A Christmas Tale

After Christmas day celebrations, while going to bed my daughter asked me about Jesus. She likes bed time stories. After listening to one or two stories, then only she sleeps.
Her first question was , “Dad , Is Santa real?, does he really give gifts on Christmas”?, I said “No dear, It is a story, It seems there lived an old man who used to give gifts to children on this season, but he died after some days, maybe people remember him on every Christmas season, but he cannot give gifts now , do you know why?”, I asked her. “Because he died” , she replied. “Yes you got it!” , I exclaimed.
“Dad, Is Jesus real?”, her second question. “Yes dear, He is , He was born on earth, lived a good life, and died for us to save us..”, she interrupted in the middle, “how did he save us, if he died”. “Good question”, I asked,
“If you did a mistake or broke some thing in the school or somewhere, who can save you, by paying the penalty?”. 

 “No doubt, its you or Mom” , without second thought she answered.

I smiled and continued ,  “Yes Jesus is our father and came to the earth to save us”.

I thought I have cleared her doubt. “Dad, we did not do any mistake or broke anything , then why do we need Jesus?”, she shot another question.

I turned to her and lifted my head with the support of my right hand and prepared to give a big answer and said, 

“We all do mistakes, few people lie, few other steal, few have envy and a few are jealous , few others use bad words, some people even kill each other. Because GOD is righteous , He punishes bad people. We all do bad things and about to receive punishment for our sins, which is hell. But because GOD loved us so much, He came  to the earth to take our punishment and die in our place, Jesus paid our penalty as He is the only one who can pay the penalty for our bad works”. I stopped.

 “How did he paid Daddy?”, another question. “Good, I think you like this story, listen”, I continued , ”He shed his blood for our sake , His blood is so precious that it can wash us from our bad works , if we confess our sins and ask him for forgiveness”.

“Dad you are saying that Jesus shed his blood, but I heard that people killed him on the cross, are you sure that He died willingly or people put HIM to death?” her eyes became big while asking this question.

 I continued to answer,  “He came to die for us, He said it before his death that he came to the earth to die for us. But people does not know it and killed HIM with envy, But He died willingly and happily because HIS death can save us from GOD’s punishment, that’s  the Hell.”  
OK, she nodded, she was silent for a moment. I looked into her face, She is thinking !, “ Any more questions?”, I gave her a way to proceed. 

“Dad, I got a question, If Jesus is GOD, then why did he died? ".

She is looking into the sky, but her ears are waiting for my response. 

I said , “ Yes he is GOD, but at the same time, HE is hundred percent a human. We need a human to take our punishment and die in our place. So Jesus died as a Human, but Rose again from death on the third day because he is GOD, and HE never died again, but went to the heaven on clouds, Even though HE is GOD, he did not use His GOD’s power for himself. Though he can walk on the water, He used boats for transport, Though he can multiply the bread, He felt hungry like us. Though he can give us living waters, he felt thirsty. Though he can save himself, but he became helpless on the cross. Do you know why ? “, because if HE do not take our place, no one can save us from the GODs judgement. We all should stand at the judgement seat of GOD to receive the rewards of our works. whether they are good or bad. Do you understand now?”,  I looked at her.

With a smile she nodded her head. I thought that she is done with her questions and supposed to say good night. “Dad”, her voice is so intense now ,
 “If Jesus is real GOD, then why few people believe in Jesus, most of my friends at school doesn’t believe in Jesus”, 

then I said , “If no one tells them, how do they know?, that’s why Jesus told us to tell this good news to every one and we should tell it to our friends, family and neighbors”. 

She looked at me  with a half-smile and said, “Dad are you serious?, I haven’t seen you telling about Jesus to your friends”. I felt ashamed of my self , but to cover my myself I said “ I am praying for my friends and family, will surely tell them”.  I thought I convinced her. 

She believed my words and said, “ Sure dad, I will also pray for my friends and will tell them about Jesus”. She stopped for a while and looked at me and said again “If they do not believe my words or hate me because I am telling about Jesus?”.

 I thought of encouraging her , “ We should let them know love of Jesus thru our good works then they should definitely listen to our words, so before spreading our words, we should spread our works”,

 “Yes Dad you are right, we should be a good example to all as Jesus showed us. Good night Dad , Happy Christmas“, 

while she is saying good night, I kissed her on forehead and said “Good night my dear little one, Merry Christmas”. But her innocent question still ringing in my ears “Dad, if Jesus is real, why don’t you tell about Jesus to your friends?”. I should tell about my GOD, my Lord Jesus, though people hate me. “dear Lord give me strength to spread this good news, the real meaning of Christmas”

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Lessons I learned from Books of Samuel

Recently I have completed studying the books of Samuel. I have learnt so many spiritual lessons from these two books. I thought its worth sharing here.

Samuel: Hero of the first book in the first half is Samuel. Even though Eli was died and Ark was taken away from the Temple, He faithfully served the Lord and Lord is Visiting Shiloh again. So GOD is searching for servants to convey His message to the people, even the little ones, if they live for GOD, Lord can use them.

Here we are learning that Eli was cursed because of his sons’ wickedness before the Holy and Almighty GOD.  Hanna’s sacrifice brought back GOD’s presence to his people. If we sin against men, GOD might judge us and provide atonement, but if we sin against GOD, there is no atonement for those sins.

After some time Samuel moved to his home town Rama, but he continued Lords ministry.

Saul: Started King’s life with GOD's anointing and a great victory but very soon he fell into Sin when he himself offered the sacrifices to GOD instead of waiting for Samuel. He gave three excuses to Samuel.

·        People are feeling from Saul: He is looking at people, not GOD.
·        Philistines are approaching: He is looking at the enemies, not GOD.
·        Samuel was not on time: He is not following GOD’s commandments. He is not giving reverence to elders or GOD’s order in the church. We should respect our elders and follow the order set by our elders (if it is according to GOD’s commandments).

So many times, we fall into the same temptation and behave like Saul. We  do things in hurry, without proper prayer and patience. It brings many chaos and sorrows into our lives.

Saul’s disobedience to GOD: when Saul kept some of the animals for himself with war against Amalekites, He is saying people did it, and also saying that for sacrifice. Let us examine our lives too. Are we justifying ourselves while doing against GOD’s commandments. Saul didn’t repent with whole heart, instead he is seeking fame among the people rather than GOD.  GOD is saying that I have rejected you, but it seems he didn’t care these words much. If he had cared, he might have fasted and prayed to GOD for mercy. Am I seeking fame from GOD or men?

Jonathan: He is the symbol of true Love, Friendship, He clearly knows that David will be the next King after Saul. He accepted this truth without jealous. He never treated David as his enemy but treated him as his soulmate. That's why David says about Jonathan "your love is far better than the love of women". He believed in GOD and says "It is not a big thing for GOD to give victory with many or one."  He fought with the enemies and defeated them by faith.

David: Main hero of these two books (yes GOD is the real Hero), when no one stands for Lord, He stands for his GOD. With a great faith He fought with Goliath and gave victory to men of GOD.

GOD can give victory with what you have in your hand at that time. The King gave him king’s instruments for war. But David preferred his sling. So many times we neglect the blessings that GOD bestowed on us and we look at others and feel jealous. Yes all the other people are having beautiful and powerful swords and bows, arrows and spears. But David is having a little sling and small stones. He didn’t say that if I had a sword I would go for fight.

It is not important that what you have, it is important how you use it. It is not important that what is your role, but it is important that are you standing for your GOD and for your people. Are you counting the blessings that GOD had done in your life and are you making them as stepping stones for your next victory or whenever you face some hurdle in your life are you getting dismayed? David killed Lion and Bear and he is using these two miracles from GOD and he is preparing for his next battle with Goliath. That's why He is saying "War is GOD's".  Battles come into believer’s life to make them strong and victorious, we should stand for our GOD with faith. Without war no victory, no victory, then there is no reward.

Even though Saul lost his anointment when he disobeyed GOD's commandment with war against Amalekites, He is still continued as King for so many years. Now a day’s so many servants of GOD thinking that they are still anointed ones. We need to check our anointment is still standing on our heads or it has been taken away because of our dis obedience? King Saul once anointed by GOD, but now filled with evil spirit. What a tragic situation! So many so called servants of GOD are filled with Evil spirit and thinking that they are building the church, but actually they are destroying the church.
They don’t even know that they lost the anointing, this is the greatest tragedy.
When Saul heard that David is at some place, he thought that GOD delivered David to Saul and he is blessing those people who brought the message in the name of GOD.

I have learnt that, I need to come on my knees every day before my GOD and should check if I have done anything wrong against my GOD and confess the sin and lift up my cross and carry it. If you have Jesus (your) cross on you, it’s hard for you to rebel against your GOD.

David spares Saul’s life two times: When GOD delivered Saul to David, He didn't raise his hand to kill Saul because Saul was anointed by GOD and, says "If he is evil, then GOD would punish him, but neither will I kill him nor let others to kill him". This is the spirit of GOD's own heart!!!.  Sometimes we do not want to do evil to our enemies, but if anyone encourages us and saying GOD delivered your enemy into your hands, take revenge, then we take courage to harm them, or at least we encourage others to do harm. We should not do it.
Even though David knows he is the successor of Saul and GOD anointed him as King over his people. But David patiently waited for GOD to gain the Kingdom. He did not fight for the Kingdom. That is the heart of the GOD's own heart. Loving our enemies and Waiting for GOD patiently for his righteous judgement. David waited more than 10 to 15 years to become the king even though He is the anointed King. We should patiently wait for our position. We should not fight for high positions, even though, you know that you are eligible, you have to wait for GOD’s time.

Please follow my next blog post for more lessons from David’s life.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Happy Christmas

What is Christmas?
Worship of Christ
Is Jesus Really Born?
 Yes, Bible says and History confirms it by dividing the time in to AD and BC.
Where did he born?
 He born in Bethlehem, this village was fore told in the Bible   before Jesus was born and Jesus born exactly in the same Village and History Confirms it.
Why Did He Born?
He Born to Die. Yes, He born to Die for the whole mankind to redeem them from their Sins and sufferings and affliction. It is written in Bible saying that
Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows;
But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities;The chastisement (act of scolding or punishing someone) for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.
 All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way;
And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
How does it relate to ME?
Jesus is your creator, your father who took the form of man ‘the Son of GOD became the Son of Man’ and died for you to save you.  If you believe, he will come into your heart and give you his peace and will guide you and will give you everlasting life.
Bible says-
The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth.He doesn’t live in shrines made by human hands, and he isn’t served by people as if he needed anything.He himself gives everyone life, breath, and everything else.From one man he made every nation of humanity to live all over the earth,
fixing the seasons of the year and the national boundaries within which they live,
so that they might look for God, somehow reach for him, and find him. Of course, he is never far from any one of us. For we live, move, and exist because of him,as some of your own poets have said: ‘…Since we are his children, too. ’So if we are God’s children, we shouldn’t think that the divine being is like gold, silver, or stone, or is an image carved by humans using their own imagination and skill.
 Though God has overlooked those times of ignorance, he now commands everyone everywhere to repent, because he has set a day when he is going to judge the world with justice through a man whom he has appointed(Jesus).
He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him(Jesus) from the dead.”

Lets celebrate Christmas with its true meaning!!!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

What Happened to them? are they gone Mad?

If we study and observe the Bible carefully, we will see some people who looks like mad, let us see few of them.

Noah: GOD told him that He is going to bring great flood on earth and so directed him to build an Ark to save HIS people and few animals. GOD said that he wanted to wash away all the evil people on earth along with animals, birds and all creatures. We never heard about a rain in the Bible before, but Noah was told about flood. When all the people on earth were enjoying in their own ways. Noah, to follow LORD’S word, started building an Ark to save many. His family joined him and helped him, it took 120 years for them to build the Ark, while spending most of their time for construction. When people saw this, many might thought Noah a Mad, repeating the same words of GOD for 120 years, not seeing a drop of rain and not even its sign on earth. To that generation Noah is a Mad, but if we go a little further, we will see only Noah and his family being survived from GOD's wrath and from the great floods that came on earth.

Abraham: When Abraham was happily living with his family, some unknown voice (voice of almighty GOD) told him to go away from his father's rich house, to the land that He is going to show him. The same GOD, also promised Abraham a great nation, and his off springs as many stars in the sky in number, when he was in those days of sadness for not having any child. Abraham believed this GOD and left his father's house, his brothers and his relatives. He also left his comforts, safety and security.

He became alone and started his pilgrimage to the promised land. People around Abraham might thought he was Mad, and might mocked him saying, "Hey Abraham, where is your GOD who promised you to give you Son? It has been 25 years by now and you still been telling us the same story. Now you are already100 years old."  Yes it has been 25 years he started from his Father's house, having no children yet. He went through so many struggles, famine and humiliation. But if we read his story to the end, GOD has blessed Abraham at the age of 100 a Son, the seed of great nation, from whom GOD made the country of Israel. GOD fulfilled HIS promise to Abraham. GOD made Abraham rich and blessed him with Sheep and cattle. For all this to happen, Abraham had to wait for 25 long years to inherit his promises, which people thought as a madness.

Moses: He was born in a slave family, but surprisingly brought up to the Royal palace as a son of the Kings daughter. Even though he is from a slave family, He was brought up as a royal prince. He might become the King of entire Egypt in time. He was leading his comfortable royal life in King’s palace. He was their future King, but He left his prince hood and counted himself as a slave and fought against the King. Do you know what happened?  He had to flee from his own kingdom to save himself from the King. The young man who once lived the royal life, chooses to go after the sheep and had spent his forty years as an ordinary shepherd.

What do you think of Moses? Doesn’t he seems like a Mad person? If he would have obeyed the King's commands and follows his orders, He might become the king of that country and would have enjoyed all the comforts in that royal palace. But now he is living in wilderness day and night and has become a shepherd. What a major difference, what a down fall..!, We know the life of a shepherd, they will have to spend most time in the fields away from their families and be willing to stay in  the fields whether it is rainy, sunny or even windy. What a miserable life he is living! Really he looks like a mad person to all who reads his story. But if we continue to read his end of the story, GOD appeared to Moses and made Moses the leader of his blessed people. Moses became a very good friend of GOD The Almighty. He gained a very good intimacy with GOD spending day and night for 40 days with GOD on Mount Sinai. What a privilege he got! GOD himself had referred Moses, just like a man to another man. GOD in whom we are living and in whom our life and soul are hidden, in whom our destiny is. GOD the creator, GOD the almighty, GOD whom no man can see, the same GOD descended on to the earth to talk with Moses. And GOD gave great privilege to Moses that GOD himself showed to Moses. GOD appeared to Moses with His glory. If we observe carefully we will know that GOD himself buried Moses. What a great privilege..!

If Moses, wouldn't had considered the earthly royalty as nothing, He would have died as any other king failing to save his own soul from eternal fire. But he wisely chosen to bear the reproach along with godly people indeed saving innumerable souls. Dear friends, if at all you are leading a worldly comfortable life, and if GOD asks you to leave those comforts and do HIS ministry, what is your response??? We all should say ‘Yes’, the path that leads to eternal life may seem to be narrow at the beginning, but once you enter into the path, GOD himself will walk with us providing our needs and straightening our paths.

Ruth: She is a pagan woman who married a godly person who came to their village from a far country for their daily bread, unfortunately she lost her husband and all the men in his family. She and her mother-in-law were only left in that family. When her mother-in-law Naomi told Ruth to go and marry some other young man, she refused to go. And if we observe Ruth's response, we might think Ruth as mad. She wanted to stay with her mother-in-law, who is helpless and poor and wanted to go with her where ever she goes. Now Ruth is staying near her father's house which is a safe and securing. There is no hope of happiness and comfort with Naomi. But Ruth madly says to Naomi, your people are my people, your country is my country and your GOD is my GOD and she continues "Other than death no one can separate us". What a bold and mad decision? Naomi is a poor widow planning to go back to her own country and told Ruth to stay back at her father's country safe. But Ruth madly says, I will follow where ever you go. They will reach Bethlehem which is Naomi's place after a long journey. Now Ruth is a stranger in that land, but she boldly lives for Naomi and works hard to meet their livelihood.

GOD, seeing her faithfulness and love towards her mother-in-law Naomi and towards her GOD, THE ALMIGHTY GOD blesses her and if we read to her end of the story, a godly man Boaz marries Ruth, which Naomi arranges. If we go a little further for our surprise from Ruth, who came from the people whom GOD abandoned from godly Jews people, David the great king born and Jesus the GOD and mighty Savior came into this world. Jesus was called the Son of David.

So Dear reader, if we observe, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Ruth, they all left their comforts and Loved the GOD with all might and heart and followed him with whole heart. For the people who see them they might look Mad, but GOD made those mad people as wise people on earth. Do you want to become Mad for Jesus? Do you want to achieve great things for Jesus? Then where is your hard work? Where are your sacrifices? Where is your Madness? I have seen so many people who left their Jobs, families and own comforts for the sake of Jesus and his ministry. All of them are blessed by GOD. In the very beginning, they might went through afflictions and sufferings, but GOD helped them in all their afflictions and made their name great..! GOD had givcn them double folded blessings for whatever they left for the sake of Jesus. GOD honored them before all men where ever they were put to shame.

It is written in the Holy Bible that my people will never be ashamed and where ever they were put to shame HE will make their name great, and HE also promised them the blessings with double portion for whatever they did for the sake of his kingdom.

May GOD give us the madness to live for his glory. Amen.